Whether you are a blogger or book author, you should give up these things to become a successful writer
Hi, Today I am going to tell you some interesting topics about how to become a successful writer.
Writing is not everybody’s cup of tea but to become a successful one you should have the power of resonating with people.
The writing profession is not really about getting recognition for your piece of work.
But what matters is how much your writing can deliver your intended message and how it really can influence other people.
Many people love to read books, articles and influence others by their power of speaking.

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But others love to write various books, Blogs, Magazines they have the power of influencing people by writing through words.
Writing is a skill that we have to find deep within, entertaining, educating, and inspiring people will transform you into a good writer.
If you are good at grammar, have an engaging writing style and if you are interested in writing on diverse topics, this job suits you.
In this field, Beginner earns Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000 per month while Experienced writers earn Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000.
Most importantly, there are a few things that you must give to become a successful writer which will be discussed in this article.
1. How to Become a Writer?
If you choose to become a successful writer most commonly your question would be how do I become a writer, where do I start.
Writing has become everybody’s part and parcel of life, For example, you send an email or you tweet or your comment on social media.
By doing all the above you try to articulate your thoughts through your writing every day through various means.
This is the reason that nobody can deny how valuable writing skill is: In this section, there are a few tips to become a successful writer.
The more you read, the more you’re exposed to high-quality writing so try to become a good reader first.
Practice makes a man perfect, the more you write your thoughts would be clearer, you will feel enjoyable too.
A quick and simple way to become a successful writer is that start a blog right away.
- Think of any trending niche of your choice and start writing right away.
- Enrolling in any free online writing course helps you to become professional and helps to improve in technical aspects.
- Try to get real critiques from either your business peer or mentor or online community to improve your writing skills.
- Try to be more conversational online, the easier your writing is to read, the more relatable and trustworthy you become.
- Don’t get deep in research, adding links, formatting, or overthinking, just keep writing.
Finally, you can go back to edit, revise, format, and make sure all of the claims you made are true.
Determine the reason why you want to become a successful writer, the motivational factor behind it, focus on it to improve your skills.
2. Where You Can Find Freelance Writer Jobs?

If you wanna make money by choosing writing as a freelance job then here are few places where you can try for it:
1. Problogger Job Board
This board primarily lists all of the vacancies related to blogging work, blog network positions and job offers from companies as well.
Besides, it offers plenty of blogging advice on the main page helpful for beginners.
2. Blogging-Pro Job board
This is a simple yet useful online job board for freelance writers that covers a wide variety of writing jobs.
This is a great resource for finding writer jobs with any level of experience.
3. Media Bistro
This is one of the convenient places to search for remote writer jobs filtered by location.
This job board lists out the majority of full-time media gigs also.
This site also offers the latest news about media and hosts various paid training options.
4. Upwork
Upwork is one of the most trustable websites where you can find lots of Remote writer jobs either from agencies or companies directly.
First, you have to create an account for yourself, choose the job of your choice then win a job by crafting a proposal.
5. Flex Jobs
One of the top job boards for remote work is FlexJobs which enables you to create a custom job search profile.
You can select categories of your preferred work schedule, your experience level to sort down the jobs accordingly.
6. Linkedin Jobs
Networking takes you high in this freelance world, and LinkedIn is a great resource to do networking through common connections.
Create a LinkedIn profile, Check out the Jobs section and sign up for email alerts when jobs are posted that match your interests.

#3. 10 Important Things to Give up to Become a Successful Writer?
Even though thousands of people choose writing as their profession but very few people kiss success.
It’s because they should realize that there are a few things that you have to give up to become a successful writer.
Here are a few important things that you should think of.
3.1. Always Whining and not Doing

Few people always try to complain about everything around them.
“I am not good enough”
“I cant….”
“There are lots of great writers than me in the market”
As these statements are dream killers, you have to stop murmuring about them immediately.
Stinking, thinking is the main reason why most writers are underpaid – the lack of belief in themselves.
These are three ways to get over this:
- Affirm every day: I am the best writer and the world is waiting for my first birth of work.
- Write every day, even if you’re just journaling.
- Join a writing group such as a professional association, a local meetup.
Whiners always find every opportunity to give excuses whereas winners always find every opportunity to gain something.
It’s your turn to choose wisely what you want to be.
3.2. Afraid of Competition

In this competitive world, it’s quite difficult to build your own identity by differentiating yourself from others.
But it’s never been impossible if you follow a few below-listed simple steps.
Set up a goal before starting your career as a writer, because it gives you clarity and confidence to proceed further.
The next step is to find out the factors which were stopping to proceed further to reach the eternity of success.
The stopping reason could be either fear of criticism, fear of competition.
As a writer, if you want to achieve in today’s world try to give insightful, entertaining at the same time educational content.
Understand that if you don’t see a hurdle you can’t jump over it, So try to accept the barrier and break it with all your courage.
3.3. Fear of Marketing your Talent

Being an introvert or having no self-confidence are a few factors that can impede your efforts to promote your writing.
If you fall below any of the categories then it’s time to realize that you are already in the hold of fear.
- Don’t have enough blogging practice because of no time.
- Have never Guest posted or utilized any other platforms for blogging.
- Haven’t connected or created a network with like-minded people.
- Don’t promote whatever content you have created so far.
The simple success tip is to find people who are in the best interest of your particular niche and present it to them.
3.4. Don’t have Patience

Patience is accepting that the outcome of your best work is going to take a while.
It also simply means living with that without either complaining or lamenting your situation.
But just continuing the work regardless of the outcome it is going to give you.
If you’re not patient and don’t submit yourself completely to the work, you’ll never reach your destination.
That’s one of the reasons why blogging almost every day will be helpful because it helps you keep moving forward no matter what.
3.5. Do not Envy

Envy is a common writer’s emotional feeling which will hit at some point in time in your career.
It lifts high by seeing your peer writer’s accomplishments and achievements because you somewhere lag behind them.
Envy might turn atrocious that it can distract you from further progression in your passionate field.
Instead, you can try handling it through the below ways to have it a factor of motivation rather than paralyzing you.
- Find out in particular what are you envy about
- Force yourself to respond to your envy peer back gracefully
- Let envy inspire you to work harder
- Realize that you lack in focusing on your strength
- Return to the joy of creating
3.6. Give Up Your Laziness

Laziness is an excuse that people try to make for not doing things productively.
Interestingly, Nobody likes to be lazy but somehow this creeps in due to unavoidable behavioral changes.
In terms of your career as a writer, it’s important to practice blogging daily.
For example, if you commit that you will write 600 words try to exceed the specified limit.
The best way to honor the promised words is to prepare a To-do list to break up the task into small easily achievable ones.
It’s important to keep up the integrity of the words so that you can win the laziness and maintain a healthy client relationship.
3.7. Never Ask for Excuses

Everybody makes excuses for why they are not somewhere where they want to be.
Here are a few excuses that you try to make:
I don’t have a professional writer network who helps me in this profession.
It’s too old to think of writing as a profession.
But finally, when you stop giving excuses you can experience the below changes:
Even though you don’t have any background as a professional writer, reading will help you to become technically strong in vocabulary.
It will also help in becoming more creative. Looking at people differently and analyze in different perceptions.
You will:
- Start to spread positive words around you and it will begin to inspire others.
- Feel more proud of yourself and about the things that you accomplish.
- Likely fall in love with writing more just as I have since recently and will motivate you to come up with more creations.
3.8. Asking for Opinions

Reviews and Mentors are the two eyes of every growing writer.
Reviews: Getting either a positive or especially negative critique for your piece of work from others might be a bit embarrassing for you initially.
But later you will realize that it becomes a strong pillar for your further transformation as a powerful writer.
Mentors: Having a mentor is always best to keep us moving further even in case of a slight miss.
Always try to hear many motivational videos to keep you strong in your passionate field.
Even Ernest Hemingway was mentored by Sherwood Anderson, who helped him to get his first publishing deal.
Every successful writer will have a proofreader and editor too as it’s difficult for a single pair of eyes to do all three jobs collectively.
You will certainly require the third pair of eyes to find out your piece of work from an outside perspective.
3.9. Not Spending Enough Time

To master something which you want to be successful, try to show up every day.
For example, if you consider 9-5 jobs if you don’t show up someday you will have either face loss of pay or losing the job.
The same way is the writing profession too you will have to face some limitations here as well.
At least writing 600 words a day will still slowly make you reach your dreams.
Craving for the silent place is one of the lame excuses for not writing. So, try to write every single day as much as possible.
Nicolas Cole who is one of the successful writers writes 10,000 words a day.
Even though spending some time will not give you overnight victory but consistency and perseverance will never let you down at any cost.
3.10. Focus Towards Dedication in Writing

Mastery is the ideal one that every writer strives hard in many ways to achieve.
It is something that cannot be achieved by doing better work than others but mastering yourself than your previous version.
Many artists step back in their writing profession by failing to overcome poor emotional, mental, or lifestyle habits.
Mastery can’t be achieved overnight as it requires dedication, significant time, effort, and energy writing.
Masters will continually work on upgrading and adapting their writing styles and skills.
- How many words have you searched in the dictionary in your lifetime? Or today?
- How many hours have you spent consolidating your words on paper?
- How many stories have you created?
Whatever your answers may be, there is room for improvement.
4. How to Write Perfect Content?

Coming up with effective content is as important as the design and aesthetic of your website.
This helps in driving search engine results, increases web traffic which eventually helps in becoming a top-ranking website.
There are few tips below which helps in drafting effective content.
Read More: Content Writing Jobs: How to Earn Money Writing Articles?
4.1. Avoid Filler Words
Filler words are something which you use often while we speak, it’s a figure of speech or they are a common phrase of speech.
Writing is our mind’s voice of what we think so without realizing you use lots of filler words in our drafts.
Which tend to end up very difficult in making our readers understand the intended point behind our words.
It also proves that you lack confidence, clarity, and commitment to the created content.
For example: Are you that emotional now? In this case, it’s better to avoid “that” which makes the sentence short and crisp.
Examining and removing the most common filler words is one way to improve the content you create.
3.2. Take Enough Time
Before you create your outline it’s very important to do enough research about it especially when you are working in B2B markets.
Spend enough time for research when you are playing with statistics just to establish better credibility and support all your claims.
Proper title, grammar, and organization are a must for every post that you create.
When you try to edit every post, ask yourself:
- Are there any words I can remove?
- Have I given the readers the best and accurate information I possibly can?
- Is my article a complete one?
The answers to these questions will help to come with insightful, and entertaining articles.
3.3. Prepare an Outline First
Don’t think to disdain from giving an outline to your draft as they are lifesavers when your draft is not simple and short.
In simple terms, the draft outline is the breakdown of your ideas.
When you don’t prepare an outline of your draft, you might end up in two failures:
- Either your initial idea is rambled or procrastinating your writing task itself because you will not know how to proceed further.
- No Engineer can ever build even a small house without proper planning.
If the content is properly planned and organized, the grueling time spent revising and improvising the first draft can be laid off.
3.4. Do a Proof Read After Writing Your Article
After creating the first draft, revisit your draft, consider polishing the rough edges of your writing if there are any?
In most cases, writing improves as it goes through a round or two of the edit.
Even seasoned writers need to review their work before they publish, be it a post, tweet, or an email that they send.
These are things why we have to focus on proofreading?
Besides, to spotting actual errors, you’ll also likely find:
- Words that had overused
- Sentences which requires adequate clarity
- Paragraphs you can simplify
- Stop at every punctuation mark
- Verify the spelling of people, company, product names
Proofreading all these before you publish will help you to do it with more confidence.
3.5. Give Up Dreaming Your Perfect First Drafting
Even though our ultimate goal is to craft an inspiring, heart-provoking draft that is clear and perfect.
But before even doing so, you will have to have a cohesive flow of words.
So, in the initial draft try to write, write and write more till your imagination bleeds.
There is ample time left soon after your first draft is ready to make the necessary changes.
You’ll only get those interesting and artistic thought flow if you stop interrupting them in between creating rough drafts.
Coming up with the perfect draft for the first time itself is a myth so, it’s always the best practice to write first and edit next.
3.6. Talk to Yourself Before Writing
As I have described earlier, Writing is an attempt to externalize your inner monologue.
Writers usually organize their internal monologues into something very accessible and entertaining.
If self-talking helps you to the extent of organizing your thoughts then why are you hesitant to choose it?
Hearing my voice helped me to take up critical decisions, helped to focus all my attention on the problem which I am going through.
It also helped in balancing biased situations, getting rid of internal distractions.
Talking aloud saves more time so, the way you talk to yourself and about yourself determines how successful you will be in publishing a book, novel.
Lots of talented writers work very hard and they don’t show up because that doesn’t mean they don’t persevere.
Rather it means they are not dedicated to their work.
Understand that the best writer always doesn’t win so, just put your best in writing, write what you know, learn how to handle all rejections.
In the same way, writing effective and inspiring content becomes much easier when you write something that you’re passionate about.
High-quality content is critical in turning site visitors into satisfied customers.
I have done my best work in bringing the tips and tricks to become a successful writer and to come up with perfect content.
This will be of great help for you to reach target customers, generate more leads and amplify your reach.
No doubt that you will experience some challenges on the road to success, but they are just a stepping stone to your writing success!
After all, still, you don’t succeed following the tips which I described then remember that meritocracy is a myth.
The saying simply means that you might do everything correctly but still are chances that you would fail.
My friend!!! As writing is a wonderful journey, keep writing, keep studying, and keep improving.