In this post about how to get new blog post ideas, I have shared the 15 best ideas to find the next blog topic.
Blogging always requires inspiration and interest to publish new posts of high quality for your audiences. In this article, I share the best tips on how to get blog post ideas.
Coming up with new blog topics is really a challenging task for every blogger. Let me teach you how to search for blog topics that attract more people.
Create killer content that attracts your readers. People are finding possible ways to make money by doing some online part-time jobs.
But, among them, blogging is the best way to make a residual long-term income than other methods.
Consistent learning, improving research skills, and reading other blogs will give you the experience of finding new topics for blog posts.

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Writing just blah blah articles does not feed your desire. Getting topic ideas for a blog post is a talent one cannot simply learn.
Even an experienced blogger may run out of content ideas somewhere. In this article, we will further read about a few ways how to find the best topic for your next blog post with some examples.
Points to consider before reading further:
- Do not just concentrate on target keywords in your blog post. Instead, create a comprehensive title to discuss on your blog.
- Write the articles in a unique style based on satisfying your audience’s interest. The way of expressing their blog post ideas may differ based on the industry.
- Prepare the list of synonymical words and technical terms from the mastered blog post and include them in your content to improve your blog presence.
15 Tips on How to Get Blog Post Ideas in Blogging
Have you ever struggled to find new blog post ideas? It is a worse situation, when we want to write something, but have no idea.
The success of your blog depends on writing engaging content that educates people. But if you are a beginner in blogging, often many times you will run out of ideas.
I make a full-time living by blogging and working from the comfort of my home. Over the last few years, there has been a significant rise in the number of bloggers.
Trust me, there is a great opportunity to earn money by blogging. Content is the foundation and where you have to put more effort.
To grow your blog gradually, you need to publish content regularly.
Learning how often should you blog is another important chapter to learn. Chances are more if you publish daily.
Now, let us see the 15 tips that I use daily to get blog post ideas for all my blogs.
1. Visit Other Website Pages to Get New Ideas
It is the first and easiest method to search blog topics because successful bloggers have already succeeded and may bring organic traffic for their brand or keyword.
The blogging industry keeps updating, so you can instantly find new content ideas on a similar topic. Writing an article in your own words might increase your chances of better ranking.
If something there is unique in your blog article, then your blog will perform well on search engine result pages. Use tools like SEMRUSH and AHREFs to identify those top-performing blog pages.
i.) Prepare a list of top-ranking sites in your niche.
ii.) Pay a visit to their blog and discover top-ranking pages.
iii.) List the pages to get more new blog post ideas.
2. Get Your Audience’s Feedback
Generally, surveys are the best tool to collect data from customers or people about the product or service offered by a brand to make decisions on further improvements.
It will work in both online and offline marketing media. You can take advantage of surveys to comfortably determine audience needs and expectations. It will help you to create exceptional content assets.
You can survey your audience through Email marketing tools such as GetResponse and Aweber.
They have built-in survey options, and you can make use of that. Send an email to your subscribers asking a few questions.
The data gathered from these surveys will have more power to manage your content assets. It will give sizeable blog post ideas for your future posts.
You can use the plugin named, Qeryz-plugin with the Word Press blog. Install the plugin, add questions, and ask your visitors to answer them.
i.) Start a survey campaign with audiences on your Email list.
ii.) Use the tools such as Get Response, Aweber, and Thrive Leads.
iii.) Analyze the response to list the new post ideas.
3. Determine Your Niche Topic Trend

In the blogging industry, there might be an authoritative blog that proves its expertise in its standing field.
It is because of reasons like answering their visitors, supporting them personally, an active commenting system in place, etc.
So find some authoritative blogs in your niche, and use Google Trends to determine the present trend in your blog.
You will get high-demand search queries from where you can get blog post ideas.
i.) The best tool for this task was “Google Trends.”
ii.) Search for the head terms and sort the results by country (or) date (or) category.
iii.) You will get high-demand search queries.
iv.) Create a compelling title with the results from the search queries.
4. Use Reddit to Get New Blog Post Ideas

Reddit is one of the best user-generated websites where you can find a wide range of communities where people discuss some topics.
It is the place where you can get numerous new blog topics. You can find many questions asked by people and wait for the answer.
Go to Reddit and search for your keyword term. Find the best question or topics that have received the most comments from the search results.
Filter all questions in the discussion, and list only a few relevant topics of your blog/brand. Also, you want to discover a thorough answer to the question in your blog post.
Target 3 – 4 related questions in your single post and answer them with recent updated news/details/information.
Provide valuable data, and make your answers simple and clear to your readers.
i.) Go to Reddit and choose your related subreddit.
ii.) Filter the top-performing discussion and list the question and answers.
iii.) Write a comprehensive article based on the question.

5. Get Next Blog Post Ideas from Infographics
Infographics are a graphical visual representation of the text content of any form like data, information, or knowledge.
Recently, many bloggers have created infographics to earn backlinks from other blogs. However not all infographics will provide real success.
The real purpose of infographics is to share data with readers in a simple sweet format that can be easily understandable and informative.
You can either make a Google Search using your target keyword + infographics or try Reddit (
It will give you many infographics on your niche. Find the relevant images, and if you have confidence, you can replicate the same with updated information.
i.) Start a Google search – “Your keyword + Infographics.”
ii.) Go to the subreddit – “dataisbeautiful.”
6. Find Influencers Top Words on Social
Try to get a link with the top influencers in your niche and follow their social activities. Identifying the most used words/phrases in their social shares will help determine their topic.
It is simple to find influencers in your industry. Make a Google search using your targeted keyword and grab the first ten results.
Visit the site, and find their social profiles. Follow their profiles, so whenever they tweet or share something, it will show in your timeline also.
Make you of those shares and tweets to get new blog post ideas for your next article.
i.) Follow top influencer social profiles – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
ii.) Take a note of all their tweets and shares to get your new post ideas.
7. Use Case Studies as Your Future Blog Post Ideas
A case study is a process of writing (or) recording a sequence of development (or) a test of a product (or) service over a particular period.
In blogging language, we use a word more commonly called A/B testing. Every blogger will implement this strategy in every aspect of their blogging.
It may be a lead page test, WordPress theme test, Email Marketing Campaign test, etc.
These posts will create curiosity among the readers and make them know about your experience as a perfect blogger.
Search engines love these types of content as it is what most audiences are searching for.
But how to get blog post ideas based on this suggestion?
The answer is within you. Think about your past journey, and you will have the upcoming post ideas.
I will give some examples related to my blog niche.
i.) Why the Thrive Themes are better than Studio Press?
ii.) Why VPS (or) Dedicated hosting is better than shared hosting?
iii.) How to choose the best hosting server?
8. Use Quora to Find High Demand Blog Topics

Quora is a Gold Mine for bloggers. Leveraging it for building your blog with quality articles will do a lot of wonders.
Open Quora and use the search column using the primary keyword or the topic you are interested in.
- Find the question with a decent number of followers, and write down those questions.
- Filter the questions that fit your blog and try to answer one or two questions in your blog exclusively.
- If you create content on the same topic, there is more chance of getting potential backlinks for the topic.
After creating content on that topic, find the question in Quora and answer with a link to your site.
Quora is a great way to find new blog post ideas. If you use it effectively, it will help you to create backlinks and some decent traffic as well.
When targeted traffic comes to your blog, it can boost your social sharing traffic.
9. Write Success/Failure Stories in Your Posts
Again coming back with your personal experience, Transparency is the biggest key to your success.
How much are you transparent with your blog audiences? The more they trust you, the more growth you reach.
For example, you may have started your first blogging business with a free blogger (or) WordPress sub-domain.
After lots of struggles, either you have achieved success or failure in your first business.
Anyway, it is your own experience, and you learned something. Why should you not share it with your blog audiences this time?
A perfect and the best blog topic is where to share your own experience with your readers.
These kinds of posts will earn a lot of attention from the Blogging community and bring more visitors in the future.
10. Use the Power of Google Search
Why look outside while you have potential inside? Google is your best friend as your SEO Partner who helps you get the best topic ideas.
Do you know one thing, what is the most highly shared and most linked content most of the time?
- Infographics
- Guides
- Tutorials
- Listings
- Case Studies.
Following these strategies before writing your blog post will bring you better results. You can use the following keywords in Google search,
- Your keyword + Infographic
- Your keyword + Guides
- Your keywords + tutorials
- Your keyword + case studies.
These tactics will help you on how to get blog post ideas in your niche to write future articles. Using Google to search for new ideas is the ultimate way of achieving success.
It helps you in two ways. You can easily find your competitors and how they are working on their promotional strategies, etc.
Create a best-in-class blog post and promote it properly to get backlinks. Choose the links from the search results that have driven good backlinks and are unique.
Make sure you keep the quality of your post higher than that of the source. In such a manner, you can earn more backlinks and a higher ranking in search results.
11. Find Common Mistakes in Blogging
Mistakes are the secret to success. Every person (or) a company commits a mistake.
Without making mistakes, no one can learn anything newer. For example, to start a blog, free blogging is not advisable.
You have already learned and written both success/failure model blog post examples. The same idea you can use to pitch a new blog post.
What are the common mistakes new bloggers will do?
How is the title? You write an answer in this page comment section.
Your next blog post title is ready. Another way is by doing a Google search using the keywords such as “Blogging mistakes“, “new blog mistakes”, “Is Blogging difficult“, etc.
You will get the results. Visit the result pages to find a worthy idea for your next blog post.
12. Review Writing Types of Blog Posts
Product reviews (or) service reviews types of blog posts are also becoming highly searchable blogging topics.
When you look at the most successful affiliate blogs, they mostly write about product reviews and service reviews.
People are aware of the different scams on the market. They are doing more research before purchasing a product (or) a service.
Be Honest and transparent in your writing by adding the truth about the product you demonstrate in your blog posts.
It not only helps you drive traffic, but it helps you build authority to your blog as it adds value to your readers.
13. Content Curation For Unique Blog Post Ideas
It is an easy way if you don’t know how to get blog post ideas. Writing content is also pretty easy in this category.
All you need is to organize topics under some category. Then, you need to write a few lines about them to create a long post.
Go to Google and search for top bloggers, influencers, products (or) companies in your niche. List them together to curate the next high-demand blog topics.
Some of the examples are:
- List of Top Selling WordPress Themes
- List of Best Hosting Providers
- Best mentor blogs I follow.
These types of blog posts require frequent updates weekly, monthly (or) yearly. With time, you should remove older posts and non-existing links to add a new list.
14. Use Keyword dot IO Tool was an effective tool for researching new long-tail keywords for your upcoming blog content.
The process is very simple. Open the tool in your computer browser and type the primary keyword in the search box.
Select a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, and choose your country and language if you wish.
You will get the list of keywords. Copy them all and create an Excel sheet to get more content ideas for the blog.
You can create comprehensive ideas based on the keyword list you got from this tool.
15. Use the Keyword Finder Tool
It is another better keyword research and analysis tool that will bring you a list of hundreds of long-tail and less competitive keywords.
You can filter the results based on SEO difficulty. This tool is free to use.
They offer the best UI interface for friendly use, and it is becoming one of the best keyword analysis tools on the Internet.
More research options, the lowest price, and well-built data aggregation are the prime features of this tool.
This tool is one of my favorite tools for my keyword research campaign. I recommend you try this tool for finding keyword ideas for blog posts.
Creating a better blog post is a skill that will not come overnight. We can develop this skill with time by practicing again and again.
It is easy to learn this skill and can be easily improved by doing more research, reading other blogs, and investing in marketing campaigns.
Out of all the things, your interest speaks the most. Write a post for your readers by understanding the necessity and requirements.
I gave 15 tips on how to get blog post ideas worth trying for every newbie blogger. This article helps you refresh your mind with new techniques to develop your blog.
I hope I have completed telling my experience in this post. And maybe I may have missed some other tips and tricks.
If you have one, feel free to share it with our audiences to make this community a better place for bloggers.
Do share this post if you find this post helpful and have ideas to honor me.